"In the Vatican there is already an end-of-regime atmosphere, an ambiguous climate that has nothing to do with real chronology," wrote Marco Politi, Vatican correspondent of the Italian paper La Repubblica.
During this time he had a stint as the Vatican correspondent for the Daily Mail.
Martin was criticized most notably in the book Clerical Error: A True Story by Robert Blair Kaiser, Time Magazine's former Vatican correspondent.
He wrote about the Council for publications world-wide becoming also the first Vatican correspondent for the USA's National Catholic Reporter when it was founded.
He as an "experienced Vatican correspondent" new exactly what he was doing and why.
More than a million are in attendance, including the Telegraph's own Vatican correspondent, and Twitter novice Nick Squires.
"Exit the guitars and the xylophones," wrote Henri Tincq, Le Monde's Vatican correspondent, adding, "Condemned are all 'abuses' in the adaptation of liturgies to local cultures."
She was until July of last year the Vatican correspondent, in Rome, for the Religion News Service.
He was the Vatican correspondent for the American liberal Catholic weekly National Catholic Reporter from 1979-81.
After researching Opus Dei for a book, John L. Allen, the Vatican correspondent for The National Catholic Reporter, has concluded that its power and wealth have been largely exaggerated.