He died in 1576 as the richest Venetian artist.
Experts suppose that the painting was painted by an unknown Venetian artist in the 16th century.
While in Italy he also became influenced by the Venetian artists.
There remains something odd about starting a European paintings collection with the works of an 18th-century Venetian artist.
There are eleven baroque altars, created by Venetian artists.
He met Titian and arranged for the emperor's portrait by the famed Venetian artist.
From 1969 to 1975 she lived with the Venetian artist Roberto Ferruzzi the younger.
The plates were engraved by Antonio Viviani and other Venetian artists.
She is married to a Venetian artist and together they have lived in different parts of Italy, though currently reside in her native England.
Two female profiles on blue paper by Vittore Carpaccio reveal the quiet sensitivity of the Venetian artist better known for complex group scenes.