Venetian society can be shown to be so frivolous and self-absorbed that Shylock, by comparison, is a figure of heroic proportions.
In the later part of his career, Palladio was chosen by powerful members of Venetian society for numerous important commissions.
Courtesans were the most emancipated women in Venetian society, and their dress exults in that status.
Considering human nature, the masks fostered corruption at every level of Venetian society.
Goldoni's dramatic aptitude is illustrated by the fact that he took nearly all his types from Venetian society, yet managed to give them an inexhaustible variety.
One of the reasons for this interpretation is that Shylock's painful status in Venetian society is emphasised.
In later life he failed to endear himself to Venetian society by becoming an informer to the dreaded inquisition.
Venice, Adam finds, is a city of artifice, and Venetian society specializes in denial and avoidance.
Whether by intention or accident, the actor also makes little of the Moor's sympathetic predicament as an outsider in Venetian society.
Through his elegant appearance and his winning nature, he also quickly connected to the Venetian society.