In contrast to widespread negative stereotypes of state companies, the Venezuelan company is profitable and is considered to be professionally managed.
All foreign oil companies that once did business in Venezuela were replaced by Venezuelan companies.
Venezuelan companies now owe Colombian exporters $200 million.
The choreography showed off this solidly trained Venezuelan company.
A spokeswoman declined to comment on its relations with the Venezuelan company.
"The Tempest," in this adaptation by the Venezuelan company, presents greater obstacles, beginning with the dense, textual nature of the play.
The Venezuelan company is also providing technical help to Bolivian authorities and is to sign a contract to build a gas separation plant.
He also said that the Venezuelan company would disclose details of the buyback later this month before the company's board meets to discuss the measure.
Yesterday, the Venezuelan company agreed to pay $675 million for the rest of the company.
Under this plan, immigrants would sign work contracts with private Venezuelan companies.