Unlike Mr. Chavez, many Venezuelan officers studied and trained in the United States and do not share his suspicions, they said.
Carlos Delgado Chalbaud (1909-1950), Venezuelan military officer and President (1948-1950)
Six Venezuelan military officers (including known members of opposition paramilitaries) were also reported to be in custody.
Three out of the six Venezuelan military officers were also condemned by the tribunal.
Julián Castro Contreras (c. 1810 - 12 June 1875) was a Venezuelan military officer and President of Venezuela between 1858 and 1859.
The government charged American Embassy officials of spying, saying that dissident Venezuelan military officers had been passing on state secrets.
Alberto Müller Rojas, 75, Venezuelan military officer and politician, adviser to Hugo Chávez.
In recent days, Venezuelan officials have claimed that American Embassy officials are part of a spy ring involving dissident Venezuelan military officers.
The court also convicted and sentenced three Venezuelan military officers accused of leading the plot to terms ranging from 29 months to 9 years.
In 1992 Venezuelan officers outraged by these junkets mounted an unsuccessful coup against Andres Perez.