Generous funding for the experiment was available due to underspend on the transit of Venus expedition, which had been turned over to the Society by the King.
He served as the expedition doctor and naturalist on the French 1874 Transit of Venus expedition to Campbell Island, New Zealand, with a peak on the island, Filhol Peak, being named after him.
If it's too late to think about a Transit of Venus expedition for this year, don't despair; the planet will transit the sun again in 2012.
The first Venus expedition was lost entirely.
The obsession of the undiscovered continent culminated in the brain of Alexander Dalrymple, an hydrographer who was nominated by the Royal Society to command the Transit of Venus expedition to Tahiti in 1769.
Originally it was part of the second Venus expedition.
When the Venus expedition came home, they left the drop-ship in orbit.
In 1882, Bell was hired by the U.S. Navy as a photographer for its Transit of Venus expedition.
The fleet had the task of delivering reinforcements for Gen. Tomisenkow's Venus expedition.
He discovers that the council in charge of the Venus expedition was vying Earth's colonization as a possibility.