In a way, the pressure of the Venusian atmosphere helped us.
The worst thing would be if the hull breached and the whole Venusian atmosphere tried to come in.
This has led to proposals for "floating cities" in the Venusian atmosphere.
All four probes entered the Venusian atmosphere on December 9, followed by the bus.
Cook and other observers speculated that the problem was the distortion of light through the Venusian atmosphere.
The devices were intended to operate until entry into the Venusian atmosphere.
Hydrogen is in relatively short supply in the Venusian atmosphere.
The Venusian atmosphere has been found to be sufficiently out of equilibrium as to require further investigation.
They also had instruments to record electric discharges during its descent phase through the Venusian atmosphere.
The heat builds as they descend through the Venusian atmosphere.