Emergency services like 911 would not be disrupted in the event of a walkout, according to Verizon officials.
Verizon officials, too, sought to put a positive spin on the unions' new contract.
Verizon officials responded that the company was in no way violating the neutrality agreement.
Verizon officials, too, say older people are mainly customers through family plans.
Verizon officials emphasized that the possible sale was merely that - a possibility.
Verizon officials say that to remain competitive, they need to retain the right to contract out work and move operations.
Verizon officials will meet with financial officials today to assess the problems and possible ways to increase service quickly.
Despite the tensions at the bargaining table, Verizon officials said yesterday was a normal workday.
Verizon officials say they take the strike threat seriously, noting that the union went on an 18-day strike against the company three years ago.
Verizon officials say the sign complies with city law.