Vermont Yankee began the first stage of its dry-cask storage program in May 2008.
The panel gave Vermont Yankee a generally positive review.
The costs from Vermont Yankee were about 3 to 5 cents per kilowatt hour.
But at Vermont Yankee, there are questions about the risk that the emergency cooling water will boil into steam.
But Vermont Yankee was licensed before the backup requirement went into place.
Vernon is the home of Vermont Yankee, Vermont's only nuclear power plant.
"No Vermont Yankee would sink something that was still useful just because he was mad."
Vermont Yankee already has 30 piping pathways installed that could function as a vent, according to a plant spokesman.
The federal district court struck down the state's law giving it a say on whether Vermont Yankee stays open or not.
It received 75 percent of the power it generated in the state from Vermont Yankee.