The roads once connected Vermont farms and towns and are now mostly overgrown, King said.
Matt Greene - caretaker at the Vermont farm.
The lamb in an even better house-made sausage with niçoise olives comes from a tiny Vermont farm.
The Vermont farm, "Zuleika Farm", was named for the only natural child between them.
The bill would also remove barriers to institutional purchasing to bring Vermont farms into closer contact with schools, hospitals and other businesses.
In 1948 a 6-year-old boy travels to his grandparents' Vermont farm, where he encounters the harshness and beauty of both climate and personalities.
You can also buy creamy fingerling potatoes ($3.99) that Mr. Kielblock brings down every three days from his Vermont farm.
The Nearings had purchased their Vermont farm for $2200.
Therefore the Commonwealth of Massachusetts certifies that Vermont farms meet Massachusetts sanitary standards.
Working at his Vermont farm, Mr. Huneck takes about four weeks to produce a sculpture of that size.