Vicente Wolf has a reputation for picture-perfect rooms that have just the right balance of theatricality and informality.
"It's the best way to get to know each other before confronting the nuts and bolts of a job," says Vicente Wolf, another Manhattan decorator.
The dialogue between traditional and modern that characterizes the apartment's interior reflects a similar sensibility in its owners, according to the designer, Vicente Wolf.
Vicente Wolf, the designer and a partner in the restaurant, devised them to reflect light into the mirrors and onto the slick white ceiling.
Instead, says the designer Vicente Wolf, simply mirror the door, the frame and the wall above and around it.
Old rules that had long been governing my work were put aside," recalls Vicente Wolf, referring to the design of his white rooms.
Vicente Wolf, a New York designer, has used the Subybaja in several clients' apartments.
Vicente Wolf has come a long way since pulling secretarial chairs around restaurant-kitchen counters (below).
Vicente Wolf, another designer, has placed four sets, one on top of the other, in his bedroom.
The cause was leukemia, Vicente Wolf, his former business partner, said.