But this evidence wasn't enough to persuade French leaders to bring Vichy officials to trial.
In the 1980's, they quietly blocked cases against Vichy officials from proceeding.
As with other Vichy officials, Bousquet was excluded from the French public service.
With a history of pursuing former Vichy officials, Didier held a press conference to announce his murder of a "monster".
The former Vichy official had been indicted for war crimes and was soon to be tried.
Paul Clarus pretended to be loyal to the Vichy official, while he simultaneously worked as the head of the Resistance movement.
Two other former Vichy officials are awaiting trial for crimes against humanity.
In order to further help the nationalists, the Japanese kept Vichy French officials and military officers imprisoned for a month after the surrender.
Other Vichy officials, including notably Pierre Laval, were shot.
But the former Vichy official was present in court today when the ruling was read.