Tennyson shares similar ideas in "The Lady of Shalott", as do other Victorian authors who contribute to the popular conversation about the artistic processes.
The hotel's other claim to literary fame is that Samuel Butler, the Victorian author, was born in the rectory a few hundred yards away.
That he was overly fascinated by young girls in the way that another Victorian author, Lewis Carroll, was, is known.
The Victorian author approached upon silent, transparent feet.
One reviewer referred to Caine as "this Victorian author".
If you've read the Victorian author, you get your insider's chuckle.
I'm not saying Victorian authors ignored the intellectual and social trends that are now so apparent to Ms. Byatt.
They are the most personally discussed of all Victorian authors, and the limelight of biography has left few darkened corners in the dark old Yorkshire house.
His collection was strong in the Victorian and Edwardian authors who were contemporaries of his grandfather.