Nevertheless, there is much to be said for a show proposing that some of the pieties of Victorian life are worth reconsidering.
After their initial infatuation with the house subsides, they learn some hard truths about Victorian life, even for a comfortable middle-class family.
At every stage in Victorian life, poverty bit deep, and man was a wolf to man.
Religion played a major role in Victorian life, and the size and number of religious buildings testifies to this.
The market was a key feature of Victorian life in the town and county.
Mother's mission was in the home, the sacred crucible of Victorian life.
He authored several books on opera and Victorian musical life in addition to contributing articles to various publications.
The magazine has insights into Victorian life, especially regarding religious attitudes.
The museum presents Victorian rural life and local history concerning north Holderness.
Ms. Perry's panoramic scenes of Victorian life have a vibrant texture.