The comfort of Victorian pieces is important to McMillen's furniture.
Newly reupholstered Victorian pieces furnish the adjoining parlor, where the walls are covered with family photographs.
The company will also have a range of enchanting embroidered and woven ribbons copied from Victorian pieces found in antique shops.
Countless staid Victorian pieces, stored since the loss of Riverbend, came out of storage to fill the rooms.
"But a very unusual Victorian piece can be more pricey than a Georgian bore."
"I thought, a really subdued 1840's Victorian piece - oh wow, let's go whip myself," he said.
And at least part of the reason is it's less expensive for someone who wants to decorate with antiques to choose Victorian pieces.
I spend a lot of time on the Antiques Roadshow disappointing people with how little their Victorian pieces are worth.
Julia's apartment was crowded with antiques: a peculiar mix of Victorian pieces and Oriental furnishings.
This is a lovely piece - very Romantic, very Victorian and quite enchanting.