"A lot of people in Cape May would really be delighted if they could tear down the Victorian piles and build Trump-type hotels along the beach."
There had been a great Victorian pile of a hospital there then, maybe still was unless they had demolished it, its chimney concealed inside a mock campanile.
She passed the Victorian pile said to belong to Boy George and kept her mouth shut.
The Lynhurst, a Victorian pile overlooking Exmoor and the north Devon coast, sleeps up to 23 people.
The wing of a Victorian Gothic pile, with handsome windows and a fine mahogany front door.
And the house is a great wretched Victorian pile that sheds tiles and chimney pots on alternate Thursdays.
Looming above it was the narrow, gloomily Victorian pile of the Theological Seminary.
There were only three houses: a white-plastered semi-detached pair and opposite them the late Victorian pile he had described as 'a hideous dump'.
Riding over the cattle grid, she heard chains rattling, and glanced at the high, barred windows in the empty Victorian pile built to house the mentally afflicted.
Curious, I paid him a visit one evening at his residence, a Victorian pile on the Gold Coast, the ritziest neighborhood in Chicago.