Between a third and half of this group is said to have served during the Vietnam War era.
He said it was "only later, after the student troubles" of the Vietnam War era, "that a hard attitude set in."
The number increased during the turbulent Vietnam War era.
During the Vietnam War era, attitudes swung well away from prohibition.
It was heavily bombed during the Vietnam War era.
Its theme is the disillusionment of the country during the Vietnam War era.
Many of these types of songs became popular during the Vietnam War era.
The Vietnam War era marked an all time high in sales.
Students seem more interested in politics this Presidential election year than at any time since the Vietnam War era.
In fact, during the Vietnam War era, draft resisters were arrested inside churches.
Between a third and half of this group is said to have served during the Vietnam War era.
He said it was "only later, after the student troubles" of the Vietnam War era, "that a hard attitude set in."
The number increased during the turbulent Vietnam War era.
During the Vietnam War era, attitudes swung well away from prohibition.
It was heavily bombed during the Vietnam War era.
Its theme is the disillusionment of the country during the Vietnam War era.
Many of these types of songs became popular during the Vietnam War era.
The Vietnam War era marked an all time high in sales.
Students seem more interested in politics this Presidential election year than at any time since the Vietnam War era.
In fact, during the Vietnam War era, draft resisters were arrested inside churches.