The game ends in a massive North Vietnamese attack on the team's base camp.
Between 1980 and 1984 the camp was a frequent target of Vietnamese attacks.
The Chinese Emperor also granted permission for Malacca to retaliate with violent force should the Vietnamese attack, an event that never happened again after that.
To counter a possible major North Vietnamese attack, the U.S. military began taking steps to reinforce Khâm Đức.
After the Vietnamese attack on the Chinese Spratly Islands in '95, inflation soared.
If the Vietnamese attack, the soldiers fight them and I hide myself in a good place.
Mr. McNamara, 89, said he had never been told that the intelligence might have been altered to shore up the scant evidence of a North Vietnamese attack.
Pol Pot, fearing a Vietnamese attack, ordered a pre-emptive invasion of Vietnam.
The military action followed a Vietnamese attack the previous day.
Vietnamese marines-under heavy attack by tank-supported North Vietnamese Army infantry-radioed for immediate assistance.