Some people say that the flat-leaf basil used in Vietnamese cooking is more suitable for use with fruit.
Due to economic condition, maximizing the use of ingredients to save money has become a tradition in Vietnamese cooking.
Northern Vietnamese cooking is the least bold in flavor compared to the foods from central and southern Vietnam.
And yet, Vietnamese cooking is usually quite simple.
Instead, it was dried out over charcoal and devoid of any lemongrass, a lovely herb often used in Vietnamese cooking.
Not only is the food among the best Vietnamese cooking found in Connecticut, but it is also fairly priced.
Befittingly, the spirited Vietnamese cooking is fresh and simple.
The bright and flavorful Vietnamese cooking is the draw here.
As for the food, the sprightly Vietnamese cooking is terrific.
The cilantro, fish, and hot pepper smells of the Vietnamese cooking engulfed them before they reached the door.