The Vietnamese leadership, eager for foreign exchange, read the script and proved highly cooperative.
North Vietnamese leadership also had a steely determination to fight, even when facing massive casualties and destruction at their end.
The Vietnamese leadership has intensified a crackdown in ideological and intellectual life, warning against Western subversion in the language of the cold war.
Mr. Thach's position in the Vietnamese leadership is thought to have been strengthened as well.
The Vietnamese leadership was shocked by this unprovoked attack and counterattacked.
However the North Vietnamese leadership approved tentative measures to revive the southern insurgency in December 1956.
Before Rolling Thunder even began the North Vietnamese leadership knew what was coming.
The Lao communists freely accepted Vietnamese leadership as the quickest and indeed only way to achieve their aims.
VSSPL aimed to slowly break down respect for North Vietnamese leadership.
We must maintain pressure on the Vietnamese leadership to improve respect for human rights, in particular freedom of religion.