By insisting Vietnamese migrants are different, he said, America "puts the very principle of first asylum in peril."
In Taiwan, Vietnamese economic migrants count about half of overseas Vietnamese there, and the brides cover the rest.
Prostitutes, most of them Vietnamese migrants, do business in the bars and in houses adapted as hotels by the hour.
"We remain as determined as ever to repatriate all Vietnamese migrants," she said.
We have done well in trying to ensure that we could help Vietnamese migrants - more than 20,000 of whom have returned from all over the region.
An Giang first became a province in 1832, having been settled by ethnically Vietnamese migrants moving southwards in search of new land.
They live by casual labor, and even there feel the competition of Vietnamese migrants, whose skills are more highly prized.
This included guarding temporary detention camps for Vietnamese migrants.
The majority of Vietnamese migrants in Germany are at least nominal Buddhists.
May I end by adding that, for the majority of non-refugees known as Vietnamese economic migrants, the only viable solution is a return to their country.