Vietnamese nationalism will probably act as a brake on further unrestrained Soviet development of Cam Ranh Bay and Danang.
Vietnamese nationalism or the discouragement of colonialism was really not a matter of consideration.
Young has subsequently written several articles on Vietnamese nationalism.
Over time, Vietnamese nationalism grew, and while they looked to their huge neighbor for cultural inspiration, the desire for independence was strong.
However by this time, Vietnamese nationalism had reached a point where attempts to turn them into Chinese could only strengthen further resistance.
Like many of his generation he lived a time when Vietnamese revolutionary nationalism was passing over to Marxism and communism.
Johnson never realized his ultimate enemy was Vietnamese nationalism.
Although communism was the dominant political ideology associated with Vietnam during the 20th century, Vietnamese nationalism played an important role in the incipient revolutionary movement.
In the face of determined Vietnamese nationalism, the French proved unable to reassert their control.
This, according to him, demonstrated his devotion to Vietnamese nationalism.