Virtual Earth: Microsoft Virtual Earth support for GeoRSS geo, simple, and GML.
In April, Microsoft added 22TB of imagery to Virtual Earth, and in May, an additional 69.2TB of imagery was uploaded.
He assisted in the development of Virtual Earth.
Later this summer, Microsoft plans to introduce a competing service, Virtual Earth, with software that programmers will be able to use in similarly creative ways.
"We're all about developers," said Stephen Lawler, general manager of Virtual Earth and MapPoint at Microsoft.
Additional information on Microsoft Virtual Earth and its third party suppliers can be found on Virtual Earth.
First up, close the drapes as the Channel 9 team takes a look at Virtual Earth's "bird's eye" view of Las Vegas and other famous locations.
They also show you that next time you book a hotel you can use Virtual Earth to prevent being fooled by the advertisements, and avoid ending up next to a swamp.
Additionally they show you Virtual Earth's vastly improved printing capabilities that now include a print preview option.
So, did you see that submarine picture on Virtual Earth yet?