Additional information on lobbying is available on the Virtual Reference Desk.
For more information on Senate traditions, visit the Virtual Reference Desk's Traditions page.
Senate Organization Chart for the 112th Congress The Virtual Reference Desk provides resources about Senate leadership, committees, and officers.
For more information on the Record- including how to find it, and how to use it-see the Congressional Record page in the Virtual Reference Desk.
Visit the Virtual Reference Desk for additional information about the traditions and symbols of the Senate.
The Budget page of the Virtual Reference Desk provides access to the searchable, full text of the budget and reports on budget procedure.
To learn more about the vice president, president pro tempore, and other Senate leaders and officers visit the Virtual Reference Desk.
The Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) organizes Senate information by subject and provides links to related materials.
For information on the Senate, Congress, the legislative process and the federal government, the Virtual Reference Desk is a good place to begin.
For more information on the Russell Senate Office Building, visit the Virtual Reference Desk's research guide.