Her insurance would not cover the $300 a month in drugs he needed, but her Visa account would.
Two of the suspected hijackers had their Visa accounts blocked, forcing them to buy their plane tickets with cash at a crowded airport.
At that time, upon receipt of customs exit verification at Gatwick Airport, credit was to be given to our Visa account against the charge purchases.
Then the Visa accounts would be eliminated, and vanish forever into the ether-world.
This related to a continuous payment authority, or recurring transaction, on a closed Visa account.
Even though she canceled the Visa account right away, someone was able to get hold of the replacement card and activate it using information about her.
That would translate to about 100,000 Visa accounts and roughly 30,000 others.
Nonetheless, being clever and affluent, you move to avert the absurd interest rates charged by your overdrawn Visa account.
He had paid via PayPal, which was linked to his Visa account.
Some money was taken from my Visa account yesterday, but I don't know what for.