Both groups got virtually equal amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
While decreasing your energy intake, you must continue to eat enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
It's chock full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, though.
Suggested optimum nutrient intake of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
Dietary supplements are products - not drugs - that include ingredients like vitamins, herbs, minerals and amino acids.
In addition we should eat them raw, or as lightly cooked as possible, to conserve the high ratio of vitamins, minerals and plant protein.
Therefore, it's unlikely that taking vitamins, minerals, or other food supplements will improve your asthma control and prevent symptoms of asthma.
Abtei, a privately owned concern, had 1994 revenues of $77 million from the sale of vitamins, minerals and natural medicines.
This approach, called calorie restriction, involves eating about 30 percent fewer calories than normal while still getting adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
As with any pressure cooker, this one retains the vitamins, minerals and natural flavor of food better than other methods, and it uses very little water.