A channel might be used to send and receive text messages, or represent the contact list, or to establish a VoIP call.
In addition to basic messaging, Line users can send each other images, video, audio media messages and make free VoIP calls.
One of the questions had to do with being able to decrypt about half of a VoIP call.
A 300 ms round trip is considered at the limits of acceptability for a VoIP call, but lower latency makes the call sound better.
He's saying, remember, every VoIP call has two parts.
Almost anyone with a laptop could make VoIP calls.
These phones require compatible routers and modem to make VoIP calls.
But a normal dialogue between people over a VoIP call, that's not going to be protected content.
The user can click a button to place a VoIP call, or to request a call from the advertiser.
So a VoIP call could start on your home network, continue over wireless service and then finish at work.