Not many features still survived from the maps generated by the Voyager missions back in the twentieth century.
The televising of the black-and-white, still pictures as they are transmitted will be a first for the Voyager 2 mission.
The ring arcs were detected indirectly in 1984 and first photographed by the Voyager 2 flyby mission in 1989.
In the space area, computers take viewers on a simulated trip over the surface of Mars using images captured from the Voyager missions.
The Voyager mission was officially approved in May 1972.
It must come as no surprise that there are many remarkable, "gee-whiz" facts associated with the various aspects of the Voyager mission.
Our present ability to fix spacecraft in flight is best illustrated by the Voyager missions described earlier.
Then the main craft will orbit Jupiter, sending pictures that are expected to be more spectacular than those taken by the Voyager missions.
In fact, the Voyager mission revealed just how little scientists really know about the solar system.
The 1977 Voyager missions saw humans blast golden records into the wide black yonder.