W HEN I say that "we" removed crumbling plaster, I mean "they" removed crumbling plaster.
W HEN the oceanfront motel was converted to a co-op in 1987, buyers originally paid an average of $70,000 for motel rooms some as small as 144 square feet.
W HEN we urge buyers to bid quickly, we're not doing it just to make a sale," she said.
W HEN a new state complex is to be constructed, the commissioning agency consults Mr. Moran.
W HEN the Circle Rep ended in 1996, Mr. Wilson felt homeless.
W HEN exiles return, everything depends on how locals view the interlopers.
W HEN you throw your arms up in a jete, you get an effect.
W HEN he introduced a resolution calling for Mr. Milan's resignation, the councilman said, "I got jumped by 100 people."
W HEN the child is born, you and your wife turn from two people who love each other into a team, a pair forever linked in the imagination of another person, the boy.
W HEN he was invited to speak in Boca Raton, Fla., Dr. Helmreich was stunned to see almost 400 people show up.