She also tackled Wagner roles, such as Brünnhilde, with success.
At 55, Mr. Domingo is venturing into Wagner roles with great success and also conducting.
He had seasons at Covent Garden, including Wagner roles, in 1928 and 1929.
Although known for Wagner roles, Knie performed the full gamut of the dramatic soprano repertoire.
In New York a year later, she tackled the big Wagner roles from the first.
But although Urlus had learned all his Wagner roles in German especially for this occasion, he was not invited to sing at the next festival.
He also found success in several Wagner roles.
He also sang almost all of the major Wagner roles at the Metropolitan Opera, where he performed for seven seasons.
Studying Wagner roles is like peeling an onion.
Wagner roles constitute a seller's market, and casting them is the art of the possible.