Earlier this year, the Wal-Mart managers were scrambling to replace the frayed American flag that waves from the store roof and is central to the chain's image.
In interviews, five former Wal-Mart managers acknowledged erasing time to cut costs.
The relationship first came to the attention of Wal-Mart managers in early January, when her estranged husband's lawyers served her with custody papers at the store.
Further, Wal-Mart managers did not always post promotion opportunities, so women might not have known that they could have applied.
But Mr. Brady said he was questioned by Wal-Mart managers about his ability to do the job before he was hired.
Mr. Zavala said he believed that the Wal-Mart managers knew the janitors were illegal immigrants.
They include a nurse, a Wal-Mart manager, a truck driver and a postal worker.
I guess I was just always a promoter, and being an early Wal-Mart manager was as good a place to promote as there ever was.
The Wal-Mart manager, Mark Brown, called her "a nice lady" with lots of enthusiasm.
The Wal-Mart manager who liked her, Mark Brown, was transferred, and no promotion seemed in the offing.