His work put him in constant contact with the Flash, Wally West, and the two became good friends.
Wally West did not go because of his wife and kids.
Wally West became a less powerful new Flash than his predecessor.
Many issues began with the catchphrase: "My name is Wally West.
Wally West exhibited a similar ability which allowed him to perceive Linda across time and space due to the strength of their bond.
Wally West has this ability, too, but with less control, so solid matter usually explodes when coming in contact with him.
Blue Valley is the site of the return of Wally West and his family from a stay in the far future.
She is best known as the girlfriend, and later wife, of Wally West.
She has a date with Wally West which ends badly because of his inability to concentrate.
Wally West later names his daughter Iris in honor of his aunt.