During the war period, he was able to master the Japanese language.
As this book shows, we have been there and done that badly in the early cold war period.
During the war period, Canada's unemployment rate fell to a record low of 3.9 percent.
National security in the post-cold war period comes with policy that is no longer foreign.
The War period, especially from 1943 to 1945, had its ravages on the district.
Most of these were essentially research aircraft, but a few actually went into mass production, especially during the war period.
We also have the chance to influence the course and development of world events in the post-cold war period.
In the post-civil war period, the school's focus was on training individuals to become public school teachers.
However, due to the censorship of the war period, the paper had reduced in size.
During the war period, the department worked without adequate manpower.