Another short story, Of War, published after his death in 1987, recounts the story of his rescue by a local during a storm.
Now those words and images have been put together in a book called "My War," published by Random House.
However, material included with War in the Desert, published in 1995, introduced substantial changes to the plan.
This also resulted in his book Somebody Else's War, published in 1992.
He was the author of the five-part "British Intelligence in the Second World War," published between 1979 and 1990.
His latest volume, "War and Strategy," published in Hebrew in 1990, is also being translated into English.
Adams's book, "War of Numbers," posthumously published in 1994, was the basis for the documentary.
Last Reflections on a War (1967), published after his death.
He described his experiences in A Traveller's War published in 1944.
He told of his experiences in his book In the War, published in 1906.