Indeed, other than the president, the professors and several deans, the students are virtually the only employees on the payroll at Warren Wilson.
Though its niche in the academy may be offbeat, Warren Wilson is not alone.
Applications to Warren Wilson, and to other work colleges, have been rising steadily in recent years.
Warren Wilson, with a modest endowment of $31 million, saves as well, because everyone is paid the same: minimum wage.
Warren Wilson was an interesting man, I thought.
Warren Wilson's face was red as he flung his moose head to the side and glared across the body at her.
"Did he mention if he was taking Warren Wilson with him?"
He sounded like Warren Wilson, although I couldn't be sure.
Warren Wilson knew that, went after it, but got greedy.
Previously, Warren Wilson required that students complete 100 hours of community service over the course of 4 years.