The 1990s saw increases in readership and circulation of the Washington Blade.
Beginning in 2005, the Washington Blade also ran a free news clipping service called the BladeWire.
The Washington Blade was published weekly on Fridays with a circulation of 33,874 printed copies of each edition.
David Atlanta and Washington Blade have since returned under new ownership.
The Washington Blade took notice of these statues and described them effectively:
The blog had an adversarial relationship with the former editor of the Washington Blade, Chris Crain.
Don Michaels: reporter in 1970s for highly-respected Washington Blade, and later its publisher.
He was until 2000 a news correspondent for the Washington Blade, a weekly newspaper.
Sherman has written for many publications, including The Washington Blade, Genre and Instinct.
For example, the Washington Blade featured an article about the evolution of online dating in which it was reported that: