Is that how you were able to bounce back after the Washington scandal?
The Washington scandal came to light five weeks later.
Convinced by a year of Washington scandal that his moment has finally arrived, he does so with little prompting.
While unique in that sense, the Federal court trial demonstrated something far more common about Washington scandals.
And the conventional wisdom has been notably wrong at almost every major turn in the last year of handicapping the Washington scandal.
For more than a year, Ms. Ralston was entangled in two Washington scandals at once.
We are in the midst of a remarkable Washington scandal, and we still don't have a name for it.
Politics and entertainment, creeping ever closer since the Reagan years, finally merged during impeachment - the first Washington scandal with product placement.
Betty Currie may have been a harbinger of another predictable stage in a Washington scandal.
Like any Washington scandal, the Clinton fund-raising fiasco has produced its share of lines that will be haunting their speakers for years to come.