In 2005, CPI had a staff of 40 full-time Washington-based reporters who partnered with a network of writers and editors in more than 25 countries.
The same survey found that just 4 percent of all such Washington-based reporters were self-identified Republicans, as compared with 50 percent who identified as Democrats.
He is still scorning the national political press that he claims treated his father unfairly, refusing to give a plane seat or an interview to a Washington-based reporter during a five-day opening campaign swing.
In a 1993 incident, Mr. Winkler criticized two Washington-based reporters who, while working 15-hour days, neglected to return a call from another reporter in Princeton.
A Reuters spokesman in London, David Keefe, said its report was written by a Washington-based reporter who was unaware of the journal's article.
The change was particularly striking at The Los Angeles Times, once reviled as the nation's worst; a vote of Washington-based reporters in 1937 named it the nation's "least fair and reliable" publication.
But Hamdi Fouad, a Washington-based reporter for an Egyptian newspaper who was telephoned by Mr. Salem recently, said the man denied he had been in Sadat's guard.
Two Washington-based reporters protested when they found out that a New York Times correspondent was to sit in on the interview.
Jonathan Pollard is not in Marion, Ill., as you report, but in North Carolina - close enough for a Washington-based reporter to interview or conveniently telephone.
David Lightman, a Washington-based reporter for The Hartford Courant, knows how to grind it out, sometimes writing two or three articles a day.