It meets the other two lines at Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver, but it is operationally independent and has no track connection to them.
All SeaBus vessels and both Lonsdale Quay and Waterfront Station are accessible.
The proposal for a modern line would extend the former line through Chinatown and Gastown to Waterfront Station, and eventually to Stanley Park.
From Waterfront Station, effective January 1, 2013:
The airport is within walking distance of the HeliJet heliport and Waterfront Station, a public transit hub in Downtown Vancouver.
The historic Waterfront Station is a major transit hub for the downtown core.
Near Waterfront Station, terminals are available for float planes and helicopters.
Construction began on the Waterfront Station, and the station was largely complete by January 1981.
Construction of the original line began on March 1, 1982 under the Social Credit government of Bill Bennett, who inaugurated the system at Waterfront Station.
On January 2, Waterfront Station in Vancouver was packed for a demonstration drawing hundreds of participants.