Wayne Johnson, president of the 22,000-member Unified Teachers-Los Angeles, said another strike vote would be taken before any walkout.
The police later arrested the other man, Wayne Johnson of 703 Sterling Place, Brooklyn.
Wayne Johnson recorded an acoustic version of this song for his 1995 acoustic album Kindred Spirits.
At the reception desk he borrowed a walkie-talkie and put a call out for Wayne Johnson, the janitor.
"The whole idea of elections is you're supposed to have a real choice and real competition," said Wayne Johnson, a Republican campaign consultant.
Wayne Johnson, president of the California Teachers Association, the state's largest teachers' union, described the financial troubles as the worst he had ever seen.
Wayne Johnson said that their father, a union carpenter, died many years ago and that their mother, Delores, was being treated for breast cancer.
As Wayne Johnson sat in the living room, another report about Paul flashed across the television screen.
Wayne Johnson is an American jazz and acoustic guitarist based in Southern California.
Wayne Johnson, president of the California Teachers Association, said school buildings would continue to crumble and class sizes would grow.