Web postings circulating the recipe for free say they are the customer's revenge.
NOT all companies object to Web postings, even negative ones.
Protesters and civil rights advocates argued that the Web postings were legitimate political dissent, not threats or intimidation.
Here are excerpts from Web postings about the catastrophe.
In the Web postings, she is quoted as saying she "wanted to rip the president's head off" and "shoot him in the groined area."
Since the new Web postings started on Nov. 23, the site has had a 28 percent increase in daily visits.
And when he saw these shyly tentative Web postings, something clicked.
Early Web postings are made by the journal's editors in matters that they consider to have public health importance.
Some Web postings looked further ahead, reflecting a sense that the midterm vote had been a rehearsal for the presidential election in 2008.
In addition to countless articles and Web postings, Freedman has published nine books.