The goal of anonymous Web surfing is to circumvent the technologies that track your online activity and may potentially expose your personal information to others.
Their Web surfing will be limited to the maximum speeds of their modems.
E-mail remains the king of all Internet activities, but Web surfing is gaining fast.
Until now, in most parts of the world, Web surfing has been separate from everyday activities like riding the train, watching television and driving.
Not mentioned in the article is that Web surfing can be augmented by using newsgroups, another component of the Internet.
"It doesn't crash, the Web surfing is better, it's easy to use, it's very light, and it can really fit in your pocket," he said.
People who use their computers primarily for e-mail, word processing or Web surfing can find all the necessary graphics support on a motherboard with integrated graphics.
When the system was up and running, the improvement in Web surfing was immediately apparent.
Web surfing has become a spectator sport - one that companies are willing to pay to observe.
Keith set up Cyberteks at home in mid-1999, after spare-time Web surfing convinced him he could do better.