When the Supreme Court decided in the Webster case to give states broader power to regulate abortion, the battle was joined.
The Webster case three years earlier indicated that these were likely to be upheld.
To abortion-rights proponents, anything less was - until the Webster case - practically unthinkable.
The Webster case upheld the Missouri statute, which required viability testing after 20 weeks.
The Webster case was widely viewed as an invitation to states to increase their regulation of abortion.
The Administration has not yet filed its brief, but it is expected to repeat the argument it made in the Webster case three years ago.
On April 28, 1989, two days after hearing oral arguments in the Webster case, the justices assembled for a weekly conference.
The Court's ruling last session in the Webster case "means we're going to have to stress pregnancy prevention more than ever," she says.
This question was left open in the recent Webster case decided by the Supreme Court.
That was one of the restrictions upheld by the Court in the Webster case.