The authority has imposed a Wednesday deadline for county officials to balance the budget or face a state takeover.
Some Commission members said that at least the Wednesday deadline was in peril.
The agency had imposed a Wednesday deadline for the borrowers to sign what it termed a letter of commitment.
The Belgian troops have said they will stay only a day or two after the Wednesday deadline for evacuating foreigners.
The Wednesday deadline for passage of a budget has intensified talks and hearings about what city services might be reduced.
There was widespread speculation that the House would allow the raise to take effect, by not voting on it before the Wednesday deadline.
The state oversight agency, which set the Wednesday deadline, is planning its own meeting around Dec. 7.
The Yankees face a Wednesday deadline to offer salary arbitration to Williams.
He had faxed his copy yesterday, and it was already past the Wednesday deadline.
Mr. Abbas has been trying to put together a cabinet for the past month, and faces a Wednesday deadline.