It's a Wehrmacht unit that was evacuating people from a concentration camp.
All these locations were captured by Latvian rebels before the first Wehrmacht units appeared in the area.
The Wehrmacht units retreated on January 17, 1945.
Following his arrival at Ebensee, Simon was drafted into a local Wehrmacht unit.
According to Genscher's statements, this happened through a collective application in his Wehrmacht unit and against his own intentions.
The first pogroms were made by Wehrmacht units and Sipo Einsatzgruppen.
However it was not long before the officer commanding the nearby Wehrmacht unit had the leaders of the revolt arrested.
The evacuation was severely hampered by Wehrmacht units, which clogged roads and bridges.
The two soldiers were later captured by a Wehrmacht unit and spent the rest of the war as prisoners of war.
The killings, with a death toll in excess of 500, were carried out on 14-16 September 1943 by Wehrmacht units.