A small, black, sequined throw pillow case will be $29 at West Elm in November.
A nest of three small lacquer boxes is $24, also from West Elm.
West Elm offers a folding table made of wood stained to a warm chocolate finish.
Fabric panels at West Elm come with pockets for rods.
West Elm was off Pine Street, two miles up from the town green.
Roads were plowed and sanded throughout the day, particularly the ones near West Elm.
He even knew it would be in the bungalow on West Elm, where their son lay sleeping under his grandmother's watchful eye.
Most shoppers know West Elm's inexpensive furniture and accessories from its two-year-old catalog.
West Elm says it can outfit a one-bedroom apartment for $2,500 to $5,000.
West Elm's slipper chair is covered in a summery white leather; $499 from (888) 922-4119 or westelm.com.