At its height, it boasted large cities like Harrapa (near Sahiwal in West Punjab).
Hardo Sohal is an old village in Sheikhupura district of West Punjab.
This could help pacify the Sikh population who lost major tracts of lands in West Punjab.
Attacks were launched by Muslims on Sikh communities in villages and cities across West Punjab.
He was born in West Punjab, British India in 1939, and is of Kashmiri descent.
In West Punjab, 2 or 3 pieces of cloth are first folded and joined together.
West Punjab was a province of Pakistan from 1947 to 1955.
Second Schedule listed the districts provisionally included in the new province of West Punjab:
He is equally well known in West Punjab.
Nearly all of these minorities left West Punjab for India, to be replaced by large numbers of Muslims fleeing in the opposite direction.