The company now owns 1.2 million square feet of office space in Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
In 1984, for instance, he conducted 68 seminars in Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
In addition, several new hotels opened in Westchester and Fairfield Counties, adding roughly 2,000 rooms to the hotel market.
"The finest dining establishments in Westchester and Fairfield County are customers of ours," he said.
"I was surprised at prices in Westchester and Fairfield County," he said.
The company carries performances from more than two dozen groups, mostly from Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
Members of all three groups are students in grades three through twelve from Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
Vacancies continued to rise in Westchester and Fairfield Counties although overall asking rents have not declined significantly.
It is true that the new commute can be longer for people coming from Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
New construction is not expected for Westchester and Fairfield Counties, to the northwest of the city.