Westchester Square is one of nine hospitals statewide that a state panel recommended be closed.
Westchester Square has sat for years at the meeting point of three community boards.
Civic associations in that board were apparently unwilling to welcome 15,000 residents from Westchester Square.
Westchester Square turned to Board 10, which voted to accept it.
The museum also has a vast research library at 9 Westchester Square in the Bronx, which is open by appointment only; call (212) 829-7770.
One of its most exciting works, however, is above ground, at the entrance to the Bronx's Westchester Square stop.
"That's why everybody would go to Van Nest or Westchester Square."
Even at the time, the location south of Westchester Square was an odd choice.
And in the first wave of what could become a flood of border wars, Westchester Square is trying to redefine itself.
The number is that of Constantine Development, a company in Westchester Square.