He always blamed the Western capitalists, especially Clemenceau, who played a major role in Europe in those days.
He condemned Russia's democratic reformers as well as Western capitalists for worshiping mammon and driving the Russian people into poverty.
Western capitalists have not managed to kill capitalism.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, another oil rush began, led by Western capitalists.
Modern Chinese society is highly influenced by Western capitalist and Marxist thoughts.
Its patrons include Maoists, anti-Communists, Japanese, rogue Western capitalists and dancing girls.
Moscow may have lost the cold war, but its companies are beating Western capitalists at the game of making rocket motors.
Western capitalists - those villains the Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev once vowed to bury - certainly have cause to celebrate their ideological victory.
It was the sort of incident that plays to foreign fears of Afghanistan as a lawless, violent place that is best avoided by Western capitalists.
Because if it was, his opponents back home, already painting him as a lap dog of Western capitalists, would have a field day.